SLIPMATS // L.O.V.E. – Lisbon Open Vinyl Experiment

I designed these two slipmats which are now used at every L.O.V.E.-event. They were produced by Afromats
SOCIAL MEDIA // Tropical Beats

I create the Graphics for the monthly radio show of Tropical Beats. They use them for their social profiles on Mixcloud and
CD COVER // Shelter by Emanuela Mathis

I designed the first album of Emanuela Mathis, a singer based in Switzerland. The brief was initially quite vague but we worked closely together in a step to step approach to get a final result, which shows her style of music with the design.
POSTER & FLYER // A Reggeaton Carry On @ Bedroom Bar

MAGAZINE // Fajita

Magazine for BTEC 3 assignment I created the content, title, photos and layout for this magazine (12 pages) from scratch
POSTER // Tropical Beats @ Bedroom Bar

My new design for the Tropical Beats’ Events in London
MOBILE APP // Quietzzz

Prototype for my app idea Quietzzz, which helps to find a quiet place on the go. See the prototype UX Course General Assembly
T-SHIRT // Tropical Beats Summertime

A T-Shirt-Design for the Tropical Beats Summer parties!
POSTCARDS // Collages

Postcards made with handmade collages.
POSTER // Dada

Poster to explain and show the DADA-movement, which started in Zurich, Switzerland, where I am from too 🙂 I made physical collages and combined them with DADA-related typefaces and put all together in a DADA-style. BTEC 3, 2015