I designed this website from scratch for Tropical Beats, a DJ & Radioshow Producer-Duo from London.
They needed a tropical looking but tidy website where they can showcase all their work
and social media handles in one dedicated space. The website should give their audience
the possibility to access the latest episode of their monthly Radioshow but
also showcase all other DJ-mixes, Playlists and a form to contact them
for future DJ-gigs or Cooperations.
I designed the whole site and UX, incl. integration of Radio Show from Mixcloud,
Mixes from Soundcloud, a Gallery, Contact form, a personal loader icon and SEO.

Additionally, I created a graphic for social media to announce the new site.

See the Live site here.

Announcement for the new site for social media


Homepage incl. Social Handles and Mixcloud Integration
Mixcloud & Soundcloud-Integrations
Accordeon Widget to show content in a playful way and to save space
Gallery incl. Videos & animated GIFs & Contact form