SLIPMATS // L.O.V.E. – Lisbon Open Vinyl Experiment

I habe die folgenden zwei Slipmats kreiert die nun an jedem L.O.V.E.-Event eingesetzt werden. Produziert von Afromats

I designed this website from scratch for this IT-recruitment-company. They had a basic WordPress-site setup and I redesigned the whole site and UX, incl. integration of a Blog, SEO, Chat and Social Media Graphic. Additionally, I created a Styleguide and Tutorials for how to create Blogposts and maintain the site. See the Live site here. […]
LOGO // Tropical Beats

Logo for the London DJ’s and their label Tropical Beats.
LOGO // akinom

Logo for the Swiss label akinom. akinom stands for unique and very cute handcrafted clothes and accessories for young and old. The logo is inserted on a woven label into each bag, wash bag, pillow or whatever creative product is produced by hand by akinom.
LOGO // International Women’s Day

Logo drafts for an event.
LOGO // Balance For Health

Logo for Balance for Health, a Swiss Masseur and Natural Health Specialist.
POSTER // The Rhythm Studio

Poster for The Rhythm Studio in London
POSTER // The Rhythm Studio Happyfest

Poster for The Rhythm Studio in London
POSTER // Pop Art

Poster to explain and show the Pop Art-movement I recreated Andy Warhol’s Cow-Wallpaper into my own version with a Lemur. Also, I recreated his Banana-Artwork into one with a Pineapple. BTEC 3, 2015
POSTER // Dada

Poster to explain and show the DADA-movement, which started in Zurich, Switzerland, where I am from too 🙂 I made physical collages and combined them with DADA-related typefaces and put all together in a DADA-style. BTEC 3, 2015